Tuesday, June 16, 2009

4 Simple Reasons Why Politicians Are Destroying Our Economy

Capitalism in the US is struggling because it's not being practiced correctly. This is largely due to the oppressive economic legislation that politicians have put into place. This legislation has made our economy Socialistic in nature, resembling the sluggish and unproductive Socialistic economies of countries like France. The reason is 4 fold:

1. Government assistance and bailouts to companies that failed because they did not provide consumers with what they wanted. Companies that don't provide consumers with what they want normally go out of business long before they ever reach the bankruptcy level. However, because of government assistance (which was happening long before the recent bailouts) these toxic companies have been able to stay afloat until they reach the bankruptcy level. This is also known as "corporate welfare."
2. Labor unions that have increased production costs for companies which has forced many of them to move their production to foreign countries in order to save money. Companies that have stayed in the US have been forced to increase their prices because of the labor unions, and consequently have trouble competing with companies from other countries who have much lower prices because they do not have labor unions.
3. The tax and regulation barriers that the government has put in place that hurt businesses in order to limit the competition of large corporations. This includes high taxes on small businesses, high property and capital gains taxes, and the many strict business regulations that have been created to limit the competition of large corporations but have made it more difficult for small businesses to survive and for ordinary people to start their own business and obtain wealth by working for themselves.
4. Government interference in the free market, for example The Bill Clinton "Fair and Affordable Housing Initiative" that gave trillions of dollars to mortgage companies who were willing to give home loans to risky people. Had it not been for this bill, this one single act of government interference, these risky people would have never received home loans and therefore would have never defaulted on their mortgages and the crash of the housing market would have never occurred (please refer to the article below titled "Who Really Caused the Bad Economy").

If politicians would get out of the way and let the free market take care of it's self, then Capitalism would be able to flourish like it hasn't been able to for sometime now. The legislation that politicans have put into place has turned our free market economy into a Socialistic one. This is why our economy is failing and becoming like France's, who in terms of GDP has a very sluggish and unproductive economy. China on the other hand does not have this kind of restrictive legislation in place and as a result Capitalism is working there and working very well. They now have a surplus that is estimated to be around 3 trillion dollars. So the question is, do you really want our economy to become like France's when China's economy is becoming like the way our's used to be? You make the call.


  1. And it's going to get worse with the new legislation that the Obama administration has put into place. Have you seen his plan for the over hall of the free market? It's very scary. Why hasn't AC covered this on his show yet? He has chosen to ignore it just like the rest of the media has.


We don't need government run healthcare. Here is a better solution!!