So what exactly does it mean when countries like China own our debt? Well, when you take out a car loan to buy a car, the lender that gave you the loan puts a lean on your car until you are able pay off the loan, which basically means that the lender owns part of your car until you pay them back. So essentially, these foreign nations now own part of the US. Their control over the interest rates on these loans and thus their control over all of us is now at their discretion. But it gets even worse. China has recently expressed uneasiness and anger to the Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner because they have not seen a return on their investment and are starting to believe that the US will not be able to pay them back. They do not want to loan us anymore money, and they now want us to start paying them back right away. And there are other disastrous ramifications that will occur if the national debt continues to grow at the alarming rate that it is. The US government has already surpassed "bankruptcy" since "bankruptcy" signifies being at a "zero" point on the number scale and the US government is at a negative 12 trillion point on the scale. Thus the US has already far surpassed the point of "bankruptcy" and if the Chinese government were to ever stop funding this massively increasing debt then the US government would completely collapse and Americans would ultimately feel the ramifications of being beyond "bankrupt." The Federal Reserve is dangerously printing money to pay off the government's massive debt and as a result, inflation is now increasing at a rapid rate and the value of the dollar is quickly growing smaller and smaller. It is also possible that the US government could face "hyperinflation" at some point in time and if that happens then the dollar bill, your property, your life savings and everything else will be worth absolutely nothing (The Economist, 2009).
Don't think this could ever happen to your country? It happened to Germany after WWI and it is currently happening to the the citizens of Zimbabwe who are struggling to survive on a daily bases because of hyperinflation. It has made it virtually impossible for people who live there to purchase an item as basic as a slice of bread. If hyperinflation could happen to both of these nations then it could happen to any nation because history has proven time after time that if one does not learn from it, then it is doomed to be repeated. Unfortunately the Federal Reserve has now put us on a collision course with history.
Is the behavior of these politicans criminal? Would their behavior be considered theft on a massive scale? Absolutely because they are recklessly wasting your money without your consent. One way or another, you, your children and your grandchildren will have to pay it back. No debt ever goes unpaid. Most people are forced to live within a budget, so why shouldn't politicans be forced to operate by the same principle? People like you and me would be in prison if we even attempted a small portion of this behavior, so why is it that politicians (people who you elect to represent your voice) are allowed to recklessly waste your hard earned money without ever facing any consequences? And isn't it the President's duty and obligation to protect the financial stability of our Nation? What good will any social programs be if there is no longer a country to have them in anymore? Clearly the reckless and negligent spending spree in Washington needs to stop, but unfortunately the new administration shows no sign that this will actually happen anytime soon.